Projects Case Study

Welcome to my project case studies page! Here, I’ve highlighted some of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on. Click on the project titles to view more details about each case study.

1. DaloChat

Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Express, Node, MongoDB, Zustand, TanStack,
A real-time chat application with group and individual chats, profile management, and OAuth2 authentication.

2. Employee Management System

Tech Stack: React, TailwindCSS, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
A comprehensive system that automates HR processes like job postings, payroll, attendance tracking, and applicant evaluation.

3. File Uploader

Tech Stack: Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS, Zod
A cloud storage service that allows users to upload files, preview images, and manage authentication using providers like Google and GitHub.

4. My Ubuntu Workspace Clone

Tech Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
A full-stack application to create, edit, and manage contacts, ensuring an easy-to-use interface for users.

5. Portfolio Website

Tech Stack: Next.js, TailwindCSS, Shadcn/ui, MDX, Typescript
This portfolio website that has smooth UI landing page which also has mdx integrated to next.js for blogs and this case studies.

Feel free to explore each project to learn more about the challenges, solutions, and technologies used!